GeoReM is a Max-Planck-Institute database for reference materials of geological and environmental interest, such as rock powders, synthetic and natural glasses as well as mineral, isotopic, biological, river water and seawater reference materials.
EarthChem is a community-driven effort to facilitate the preservation, discovery, access and visualization of the various geochemical datasets. The EarthChem Portal offers a "one-stop-shop" for geochemistry data of the solid earth with access to complete data from multiple data systems (including the databases PetDB, NAVDAT, GEOROC, and USGS data). The portal features mapping and visualization tools.
The website for Earth Science reference data and models.
PetDB archives and serves analytical data for whole rocks, glasses, minerals, melt inclusions, with emphasis on basalts and abyssal peridotites. PetDB contains major, trace-element, and isotope ratios for samples from mid-ocean ridge basalts, back-arc basins, young near-ridge seamounts, and old oceanic crust.
The North American Volcanic and Intrusive Rock Database (NAVDAT) is intended as a web-accessible repository for age, chemical and isotopic data from Mesozoic and younger igneous rocks in western North America including Mexico
An eText of Geochemical Data Interpretation by Bernie Gunn. The site gives very brief descriptions of most types of terrestrial and lunar igneous rocks, their regional distribution and classification, and examples of their geochemical trends and "fingerprints".
Igneous rock database.
Janus Web provides access to ODP's Oracle relational database Janus. The database contains 450 tables of ODP's marine geoscience data that are collected onboard the drill ship JOIDES Resolution.
Educational Links
Digital Library for Earth Science Education (teaching with the EarthChem Geochemical Database) This site will help educators to locate and use digital databases in their courses, enable undergraduate and graduate students to locate and navigate online databases as well as evaluate and manipulate data available from these sites, and finally motivate database developers to consider educational requirements as they expand current databases and create new ones.
The Geo-Guide is a subject gateway to scholarly relevant websites in earth sciences, geography and mining maintained by the Goettingen State and University Library and the University Library “Georgius Agricola” Freiberg
Volcano Sites
Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Network The Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program seeks better understanding of all volcanoes through documenting their eruptions — small as well as large — during the past 10,000 years. The website presents a Weekly Report, monthly Bulletin, eruptive histories, lists of volcano synonyms and subfeatures, and references.
The site aims to provide information about volcanoes to the public and to complement other informational sites on the web.
A collaborative higher education and public outreach project of the North Dakota and Oregon Space Grant Consortia administered by the Department of Geosciences at Oregon State University
Database for Geological Understanding of Japanese Islands
AIST (Geological Survey of Japan is a part of it) has provided geologic map of each active volcano in Japan with brief summary of eruptive history.
Geographical Links Links that help to find latitude/longitudes of samples